Alina Sippolainen

A'Pelago Accelerator

Alina Sippolainen is the first dynamic full-time employee of A’Pelago. She now oversees the Accelerator Program and ecosystem development. Alina’s passion and balanced skill set lie in industry and market research, impact management, and working with mission-driven diverse teams.

In her work, Alina combines strategic market research skills from previous roles in consulting, banking, and academia with highly organized, all-hands-on deck attitude rooted from her background with sea-scout volunteer work and family entrepreneurship. This persistent data-to-action skillset, has proven to be valuable in supporting founders to build nature positive companies and business initiatives in the blue economy nexus.

Shaped by her experiences sailing among the delicate archipelago waters, Alina draws daily massive amount of inspiration from the growing group of people who mainstream adoption of cutting-edge nature-positive business models and solutions. She finds motivation in sharing this evolving landscape of solutions with diverse experts. Ultimately, the ability to collaborate is the key to success.

Outside of work,  Alina is free-skiing in Nordic nature, sailing with metre-class boats, reading to learn or exploring ways to create art and food that will bend your mind with her friends and family.

Alina is always curious to learn about your innovative blue economy venture or share insights of the landscape. So don’t hesitate to send your pitch deck or contact request our way.

Her key contributions at A'Pelago include but are not limited to:

  • Overseeing the A’Pelago blue economy Accelerator program catalyzing innovations that regenerate ocean health and contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #14 including program design, meetings with industry partners, startup growth sessions, impact management and events
  • Market, industry and venture research in the blue economy 
  • Establishment and expanding of relations to the global blue economy network of innovation, investment and entrepreneurship supporting organization and the 1.000 Ocean Startups coalition facilitated by World Economic.
  • Application of the Ocean Impact Navigator Key Performance Indicator Framework to measure environmental and social impact of the A’Pelago Accelerator cohorts. 
  • Building up the A’Pelago communication contents
  • Co-design and curating of A’Pelago Initiative Program to match the blue economy principles